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Public Consultation for the Revision of the Guidelines on State aid for Environmental protection and Energy 2014-2020 (EEAG)

Wet- en regelgeving, Markt7 januari 2021Jacques van de Worp

The Commission is interested in hearing your views on the revision of the Energy and Environmental State
aid guidelines (‘EEAG’).

It is particularly keen to hear from :

National and regional competent authorities involved in the granting of aid; National regulatory authorities (energy and environmental protection);Competition authorities; Businesses, including SMEs and micro enterprises; Associations representing businesses; Interest groups professionally involved in the fight for environmental protection and against climate; change, e.g. think tanks, green NGOs; Groups representing consumers; Transmission and distribution system operators; Members of academia; The general public.

The aim of the consultation is to allow interested parties to provide their feedback regarding the design of the future Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG) that will apply from 1 January 2022 and the related articles in the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) (art. 36 to 49 of the GBER).