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Rapport VEMW "Decision on the industrial energy transition"

Klimaat EmissieRapport13 april 2017Hans Grünfeld

In this paper, the Dutch industrial cluster sets out its proposed roadmap to support the energy transition in the Netherlands (with compendium).

Decision industrial energy transitionThe industrial sector will be important to reach the EU 2050 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 80 to 95% relative to 1990. First of all, because of the scale of its emissions; in addition by industry’s grid balancing functionality and its innovation potential to contribute in reaching these goals. Also, industry can deliver the building blocks for a sustainable society.

We, the Dutch industry, as united within VEMW, are hence convinced we have a key role to play in both the energy transition as well as the transition towards a more circular system. We have set out eight short-term options that would set us up for an accelerated emission reduction trajectory compared to our trajectory since 1990. We also describe policy and regulatory adjustments that are required to unleash this transition.

An effective energy transition will add value to the Netherlands by further improving the Dutch economic environment. Dutch industry now accounts for 21% of GDP and 9% of jobs across sectors.
The scope of this document is the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the current industrial processes in the Netherlands. Even though it is a simplification, no growth or decrease in activity is assumed until 2050.