Empowering Energy Intensive Industries: Unleashing Energy Storage Innovations


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Organisation: IFIEC and EASE Europe

About the Event:

In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, optimising daily operations is essential. Join us for this illuminating webinar where we will delve into energy storage solutions that are revolutionising energy intensive industries. This event offers a unique opportunity to explore the possibilities and developments in energy storage, as well as discover relevant suppliers who can help you shape the future of your industry. Q&A sessions will follow after each presenter. Stay tuned for the final agenda!

Why Attend:

This webinar brings together industry experts, thought leaders, and professionals to provide you with valuable insights and networking opportunities. Whether you are looking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, or stay ahead of industry trends, this event is tailored to meet your needs.

Registrations are open via link until 19 October 2023 (EOB). Link for the webinar will be circulated in the separate email.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Margareta Rončević at m.roncevic@ease-storage.eu or Isabelle Chaput at chaput@ifieceurope.org.

We look forward to your participation in this informative and engaging event.


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